Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I, for one, am sick to death of those who complain about “illegal aliens.”

“What part of “illegal” do you not understand?” they ask.  Well, I’ll tell you: what gave you the right to say who can and cannot come here?  For two million years people have been moving around this planet.  About thirty thousand years ago, people came to this continent from Asia.  Then again about five hundred years ago some other people came from Europe.  The European immigrants displaced the descendents from Asia merely by force of arms.  How can they then claim some sort of legal cover for their possession?  “Legality”  is a mere cover for justifying what you want and discrediting what you do not want.

Besides the law is simply cast aside when inconvenient.  To drive on Florida roads is all that is necessary to confirm this.  Who bothers to use a turn signal?  Who actually stops at a stop sign?  Or before turning right at a red light?  Who observes the proper following distance?  Who obeys the speed limit?  How many pass on the right?

Whereas immigration laws are devised to protect the people who happened live here, the traffic laws, at least, have some claim to wisdom.  They have been designed to keep us all safe on the road.  Yet hardly anyone obeys them – is it any wonder that Florida accident rates are so bad?  Clearly we live in a society in which nothing matters except what gives personal advantage.

And that is just a homely example that anyone can verify for him or her self.  Lawlessness pervades American society up to the highest levels.   Is it necessary to recite the litany that begins with Enron?  The tech bubble, the housing bubble, insider trading, shady business practices and huge executive bonuses all go to show that the spirit of the times is the spirit of self aggrandizement. When a fig leaf is need, the law provides one; otherwise it does not matter.

When the law is designed to protect the powers that be and can be cast aside when it is convenient to do so, why should anyone with a sense of justice be bothered about the “illegality” of “illegal immigrants”?

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